“I wish you endless dreams and the furious desire to achieve some.
I wish you love what you should love and forget what to forget.
I wish you passions, I wish you silences.
I wish you songs of birds on awakening and laughter of children.
I wish you respect the differences of others,
Because the merit and value of each are often to be discovered.
I wish you to resist the stalemate, the indifference and the negative virtues of our time.
Finally, I wish you never to give up research, adventure, life, love,
For life is a magnificent adventure, and no one of rationality ought to renounce it without a harsh battle.
I wish you above all to be you, proud of being and happy,
For happiness is our true destiny.”
Jacques Brel
Singer-songwriter, poet, actor and director.
1 January 1968
Photo: Photospicy.com • Plage du Donnant • Belle-île-en-mer • France.
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