The Stockholm subway is the longest art gallery in the world, it is 110 kilometers long. Taking the subway in Stockholm is like taking a journey through a long underground museum. More than 90 of the 110 stations in the Stockholm metro system have been decorated by more than 150 artists from the 1950s to the 2000s. Paintings, sculptures, engravings, mosaics, installations and bas- landforms. It was at nightfall, when the Stockholmers (es) returned home and the corridors of the metro
were emptied that the discovery of the most interesting stations could begin. Equipped with two tickets (each limited to 75 minutes) of the subway map, a camera and a tripod, I leave for the underground crossing of the city in all directions with the objective of covering the most interesting stations In the shortest time and as an imperative to leave the basement before 01:00, the closing time of the museum.

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