In Nagpali I visit a small ice factory for fishermen and their fish accompanied by Kyaw.

U Hla Tint the owner of the factory.

The freezer.
At the far end there is a sort of huge freezer with a serpentine green pipe on which the water falls.

Mister Kyaw accompanies me on this visit.
One worker fills these bins with water while another operates a winch to lift two of these bins in which the ice has formed and thus move them to the machine that will loot the ice.

The winch to move the blocks of ice towards the chopper.

At the end of the chopper the bags are filled without interruption.
The van is next door to facilitate loading. Once full it starts to go to the fishing port. It is a “craft” production that runs at full speed and without dead time. The bag sells for about 3,000 kiats ($ 2).
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